Tumilara Aderibigbe
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Nursing
My science is examining breastfeeding as a bio-behavior with genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. My background experience includes 3 years of teaching and conducting research on the environmental factors influencing breastfeeding such as the lived experience of exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding benefits and challenges, knowledge, practice and perceptions on exclusive breastfeeding, infant nutrition, and philosophic scoping review on breastfeeding promotion. However, as precision health is emerging as the gold standard of health, and as breastfeeding is a dynamic and complex behavior, I am acquiring skills to investigate intrinsic factors of breastfeeding. By evaluating genetic and epigenetic prolactin receptor variants association with maternal report of breast and nipple pain and lactation insufficiency, I will build a science that addresses women’s breastfeeding challenges. The goal will be to promote breastfeeding exclusivity up to the recommended duration of six months.